Join Us for the Playtime for Mom Virtual Event
A virtual “playdate” for moms — no kids allowed!
All right mamas – it’s time to plan our escape away from the kids and have our own special playdate — online!
Let’s take time for ourselves to connect with our tribe, have a little fun, and enjoy a much needed break. We can laugh, learn a little something something, and build up our mental health reserves. Don’t worry, this won’t be a therapy session; but it could be just what you need to fill your proverbial cup and reconnect with other fabulous moms.
So what do you get?
- A digital download complete with self-reflection exercises, yummy mocktail/cocktail recipes, and a charcuterie board tutorial (moms will get this at the time of ticket purchase)
- Mental health resource list
- Great content from amazing speakers
We’ll gather virtually on March 7th from 1 – 4 pm.

Together, we will:
Connect —We’ve been so isolated and disconnected thanks to physical distancing. Can’t wait to see my people
Laugh — Laughter is good for the heart and the soul. It releases feel good hormones called endorphins, natural antidepressants. You know we all need this!
Grow personally — We will learn how to keep it sexy, sassy, sharp, and real, pandemic or not.
Reflect — Examine where you are so you know what you need to do to to bloom as we finally enter the spring season.
And I’m doing it with my incredibly brilliant and beautiful physician mommy super friends:

Dr. Brandi Rudolph Bolling
She’s helping us keep it sharp with tips to strengthen our attention and focus.

Dr. Kre Johnson
She’s going to help us keep it sexy with our significant others.

Dr. Porchia James
She will teach us how to keep it sassy and climb out of the pandemic style rut.
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