Tag Archives: disruptive behavior

HELP! My Child is Struggling in School!

From kindergarten through high school, our children spend the bulk of their day at school. Within the school setting, they learn new skills and demonstrate mastery of educational concepts, form new friendships and nurture old ones, solve problems, manage conflicts and disagreements, and grow. Not infrequently, however, children begin to experience symptoms of a psychiatric illness that may greatly interfere with his ability to accomplish these tasks at school. The statistics bear out this very real risk of psychiatric illness.

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The Scoop on ODD

Typically first diagnosed in elementary-aged youth, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, or ODD, is a psychiatric condition characterized by a chronic pattern of disruptive behavior. Estimates suggest that anywhere from 6 – 10% of children have ODD. Core features include negativity, anger and hostility, verbal aggression, and behavioral outbursts. While all children periodically display developmentally appropriate oppositional behavior and test limits, those with ODD have frequent anger outbursts and repeatedly refuse to comply with rules and instructions.

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