Depression and the Believer

Formidable, disabling, destructive. The word depression conjures up such negative descriptors; but, depression is also very common both in the United States and globally. According to the World Health Organization, 350 million suffer from depression; and, this mental disorder is the leading cause of disability.  The statistics are equally staggering for the United State where 9% of American adults have depression, depression is the leading cause of disability for individuals ages 15 to 43, and suicide is the leading cause of death among individuals age 15 to 29, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).  Stated differently, 15 million American […]

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The ABCs of Self-Esteem

I have 3 wonderfully exuberant children — a 6-year-old son and 2 and 9-year-old daughters. Much like their fabulous mother, they each possess a strong sense of identity and self-worth. Most of the time, they tackle life and the challenges that life brings with enthusiasm, courage, boldness,  and an unwavering belief in their unique ability to accomplish whatever task is at hand. But sometimes they falter. They become doubtful of their intelligence, talent, and mental and physical fortitude.  In these moments, their momentum is stalled; interrupted; or, worse, irrevocably destroyed. I struggle to comfort them in these moments. I seek the […]

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A Fresh Start in 2017

2017 has arrived – we are just over 2 weeks in!. A new year is an exciting time for it ushers in hope, promise, and new beginnings.  We leave behind the old and begin anew. Galvanized by a collective fresh start in 2017, I have compiled 12 scriptures, 1 for each month of the year, to motivate, inspire, and encourage us as we embark upon a new, and prayerfully transformative, journey in 2017. January – II Corinthians 5:17 (NLT) This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life […]

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Faith Over Fear

Deafening. Paralyzing. Incapacitating. The roar of fear is merciless. My heart pounds, my stomach churns, and my mind races. My thoughts a barrage of endless questions that interrupt my momentum: Can I even do this?  Am I smart enough?  Do they want to hear what I have to say?  Even though I struggle with doubt almost daily, I refuse to relinquish my dream to fear. I won’t let anxiety grip my heart or invalidate my core beliefs about who I am as a wife, mother, physician, and Christian. To paraphrase a beautiful statement made by Nelson Mandela, I wish for my […]

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