Category Archives: Parenting

Black Boy, Black Girl – I Love You

Some may not celebrate your beauty. Some ridicule your black skin; they mock your thick coils and tendrils. Some wish to extinguish your voice. Some may deny that your life has value. But to me, my black sons and my black daughters, you are precious, adored, cherished, and treasured. Never forget that despite what this cold, cruel world may say. I love you. I see you. I will take care of you. You are mine, and my love for you spans as deep as the oceans and as tall as the highest mountain peaks. These affirmations declare my eternal love […]

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Finding God’s Peace Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic

The Zombie Apocalypse Minus the Zombies Neither my physician credentials nor mental health expertise have sufficiently quashed my apprehension and unease as the world faces COVID-19. This pandemic feels like the zombie apocalypse without the zombies. Numbers grow, panic ensues, resources are limited, and recommendations frequently change. Internally my heart races and my belly churns. I struggle to take the very advice I dole out to others because there is so much we still don’t know. Questions like When will this end? Will the entire country shut down? Fear swirls around in my mind, and doubt threatens my peace. I […]

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A Special Kind of Love

I heard it for years – boys love their mamas. Yet, this was of no consequence to me until my Evan was born, my second baby and my only son. Raising a son I have no brothers and thus no personal experience upon which to lean. I remember feeling a bit perplexed after discovering that we would be having a boy. I know all things “girl” from dresses and tutus to princesses and unicorns to hair and makeup to sassy girl attitude, but this boy thing was altogether different. All I had was the parenting pearls of other boy moms […]

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Yasss, Honey! Beyoncé Gets It, Too

Most women have been conditioned to ignore symptoms and just ‘tough it out’ and focus on taking care of everyone else before themselves. I am no longer one of those people. – Beyoncé Forever My Beyoncé If you know me well, then you know that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all things Beyoncé. For me she embodies femininity, strength, beauty, and authenticity. She is #blackgirlmagic and #girlboss housed in one fabulous female form. So imagine my delight when I began reading social media posts referencing her article in the January 2020 issue of Elle. Her commentary spoke to my soul, especially […]

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The Loneliness of Motherhood

Co-Parenting is Good … I’m a happily married woman and mom to three beautiful children, ages 5, 8, and 12. Well, the 12-year-old really isn’t so little anymore – insert sad face here; I digress. My husband and I have been married for 17 years and work very hard at raising our children. While he is not perfect (nor am I), he is truly a wonderful husband and father; he is present, active, and engaged. Many nights he cooks dinner. He will load and unload the dishwasher and washes and folds laundry. He takes our son to baseball practice. He […]

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