Category Archives: Women’s Health

I’m Done with Work-Life Balance

The Fallacy of Work-Life Balance This whole concept of work-life balance really caught on some years ago. Executives, educators, health care professionals, moms – we all chanted the same refrain, “We want work-life balance.” Work-life balance is this glorious yet elusive idea that we can achieve equilibrium within our daily lives, honoring our professional commitments while fulfilling our personal obligations, all while preserving our sanity. Perhaps it’s a flexible work schedule, bring-your-child-to-work day, or taking work home, but the truth is none of it works. Here are a few of the challenges. 1.What work-life balance looks like depends on who’s […]

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5 Tips for Preventing Mommy Burnout

What is Burnout? Burnout is defined as physical and emotional exhaustion caused by chronic stress. There are 3 components of burnout: Exhaustion – physical, emotional, and mental fatigue such that you believe you have nothing more to give Depersonalization – feeling detached and disconnected from others Lack of a sense of accomplishment – absence of personal achievement, feeling ineffective and unproductive Signs of Burnout Signs of burnout are both physical and psychological. These signs include: chronic fatigue; poor sleep; forgetfulness and difficulty concentrating; mood changes (irritability, sadness, or anxiety); physical symptoms (headaches, body aches); negative attitude towards colleagues or job; […]

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Hope for Mothers Facing Postpartum Depression

She sat in my office, shifting uncomfortably in her chair, her face tense with worry. She met my concerned gaze with eyes rimmed with tears. Then her shoulders dropped, the weight of her plight too heavy to bear; she began to sob uncontrollably. Her fatigue had become exhaustion and was now desperation as she clung tightly to whatever hope she could still grasp though it was rapidly slipping through her clenched fists. She stammered as she spoke, almost as if she were choking on the words, themselves. “I can’t do this,” she whispered. Her eyes darted to the pumpkin seat […]

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5 Lessons #Thismama Learned

She is Serena Williams. Widely celebrated for her indomitable spirit, relentless pursuit of excellence, and unrivaled strength A powerhouse, a champion, and a legend Outspoken, brash, bold, and beautiful Witnessing the evolution of Serena Williams has been tremendous. She began her journey as Richard’s daughter and Venus’ younger sister. Now her accolades are many – Olympian, 23 Grand Slam singles titles, and 14 Grand Slam doubles titles to name a few. She has faced professional and personal challenges, triumph and tragedy, and is no stranger to controversy. Despite unexpected outcomes and setbacks, she has faced each obstacle  with ferocious tenacity. […]

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