Tag Archives: Psychiatrist

What COVID-19 is Still Teaching Me

Honestly, there are many moments when I am utterly amazed that COVID-19 is still here. Still! We are still wearing masks, we are still sheltering-in-place, we are still opting not to visit most of our family, and we are still choosing to postpone most of our travel plans. While there are still a lot of things that we are not yet comfortable doing thanks to this global pandemic, the COVID-19 experience continues to teach me some important life lessons. COVID-19 Lessons The peace that is unbusyness – Busyness is my thing. I’m always busy – hustlin’ and juggling work marriage, […]

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Higher Love

Love – both heady and sweet, passionate and tender, heavy and carefree. Love inspires. Love accepts. It encourages. It creates a magical holding space. It desires good things – if it’s healthy love. But, toxic love harms, constrains, belittles, and wreaks havoc upon the soul. I want healthy love, a higher love; a love that endures, that earnestly seeks the best even when overwhelmed by the worst.

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10 Life Lessons My Father Taught Me

Celebrating Fathers Today is Father’s Day, a day that is tough for so many. Some have lost their fathers while others never knew their fathers or don’t have much of a relationship with their dad. My heart hurts for those of you without fathers who may grieving, disappointed, or even angry. It is my sincere prayer that you find peace and solace today, that your heart heals if it still broken, and that you have meaningful relationships with a father-figure which you cherish and can celebrate today. I am grateful for I have beautiful relationship with my father; so I […]

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Worried & Praying? Struggles of the Anxious Christian

While I don’t remember the first time someone said this to me, I have certainly heard this saying many, many times and have spoken these words internally: “If you’re going to pray, don’t worry. If you’re going to worry, don’t pray.” So, what does this mean for the anxious Christian? Am I lacking faith if I worry? Does my worry dishonor God and His infinite wisdom and power? Am I making my problems bigger than my God? These are the questions that have plagued me, especially as I have grown closer to God and matured spiritually. I worry, too I […]

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Bullying and Depression

Devastating News A few days ago, I learned that 9-year-old Madison Whitsett from Birmingham, Alabama, committed suicide. I have gleaned 3 facts from major news outlets – Madison was diagnosed with ADHD, she was being bullied at school, and she had recently started new medication. Although Madison’s parents have not divulged the name of the medication, some have stated that suicidal thoughts are listed as one of the side effects. I am profoundly devastated by this news. My heart breaks for this precious baby, her family, and the entire community. I thought long and hard about writing this blog post, […]

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You Know You’re a Mom When

Election day is here. The politics have been divisive. Tensions are running high. I have crafted a lighthearted blog post so that we can share a chuckle and have some fun. Laughter is good for the soul. Here are 10 signs you are a mom: You ask other adults if they need to go potty. You can quote lines from multiple Disney movies. You keep baby wipes on your person at all times because, well, baby wipes can fix anything. When riding in the car with your adult friends, you check and make sure everyone’s buckled up. Loud burps and […]

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