Tag Archives: holidays

When It’s Not Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Come November and we begin to hear Andy Williams song, “It’s most the wonderful time of the year.” Except it isn’t. For so many, the holiday season engenders feelings of loneliness and stress. Less love, holiday parties, and family gatherings and more debt, family drama, and grief and loss. And more focus on who and what is missing and all that is wrong rather than the joy of the holiday season and all that is right. Ever felt this way? If so, it could be the holiday blues. Got a Case of the Holiday Blues? The holiday blues is a […]

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Creating Magical Holiday Traditions

This blog first appeared on Birmingham Moms Blog at https://birmingham.citymomsblog.com/holidays/creating-magical-holiday-traditions/ It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year Ahh, the holidays . . . undoubtedly my favorite time of the year. I love all things Thanksgiving and Christmas, from planning holiday meals to belting out Christmas tunes to trimming the Christmas tree. I am here for it all! And, having children makes the holiday season even more magical. What a gift it is for my husband and me to experience the splendor of Christmas through their eyes. The holiday season is a time to spend with family. Before children and […]

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Surviving the Holiday Blues

I’ll have a blue Christmas “Happy holidays!” I sing to those coming to see me for their doctor’s appointment. Sometimes my cheery refrain is met with an equally joyous “Happy holidays, doc” but other times I get “I hate the holidays. My parents are dead. My kids don’t visit me. I have no one and nothing to look forward to” or “I don’t have any money to buy Christmas gifts for my family.” For many, the holiday season is a time of stress, loneliness, and dread; it’s NOT the most wonderful time of the year of which Andy Williams sings. Instead, […]

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