Category Archives: Mental Health

Finding God’s Peace Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic

The Zombie Apocalypse Minus the Zombies Neither my physician credentials nor mental health expertise have sufficiently quashed my apprehension and unease as the world faces COVID-19. This pandemic feels like the zombie apocalypse without the zombies. Numbers grow, panic ensues, resources are limited, and recommendations frequently change. Internally my heart races and my belly churns. I struggle to take the very advice I dole out to others because there is so much we still don’t know. Questions like When will this end? Will the entire country shut down? Fear swirls around in my mind, and doubt threatens my peace. I […]

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Surviving the Holiday Blues

I’ll have a blue Christmas “Happy holidays!” I sing to those coming to see me for their doctor’s appointment. Sometimes my cheery refrain is met with an equally joyous “Happy holidays, doc” but other times I get “I hate the holidays. My parents are dead. My kids don’t visit me. I have no one and nothing to look forward to” or “I don’t have any money to buy Christmas gifts for my family.” For many, the holiday season is a time of stress, loneliness, and dread; it’s NOT the most wonderful time of the year of which Andy Williams sings. Instead, […]

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5 Tips for Preventing Mommy Burnout

What is Burnout? Burnout is defined as physical and emotional exhaustion caused by chronic stress. There are 3 components of burnout: Exhaustion – physical, emotional, and mental fatigue such that you believe you have nothing more to give Depersonalization – feeling detached and disconnected from others Lack of a sense of accomplishment – absence of personal achievement, feeling ineffective and unproductive Signs of Burnout Signs of burnout are both physical and psychological. These signs include: chronic fatigue; poor sleep; forgetfulness and difficulty concentrating; mood changes (irritability, sadness, or anxiety); physical symptoms (headaches, body aches); negative attitude towards colleagues or job; […]

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